
Collaborating on Github

One additional vital feature on Github is Issues. Issues are the main tool for communication on Github. Developers often open issues to indicate the lack of a feature or a problem in in a project. Issues can be assigned to a certain person, and they are often the base for a pull request.

Go back to the the upstream repository of the Git_course:

Click on the issues button and open a new issue.

Link the new issue to your PR by adding a #. Typing the # should allow you to select from all previous opened and closed PRs and issues:

Submit your new issue.

Where to open an issue

You can open issues both on your own (the origin repository) and the upstream repository. If you want to communicate with the developer and owner of the upstream repository, you better open the issue there. Issues on your own repository (the origin repository) can be good to keep track of a project.

Issue labels

In large projects, issues are frequent and often sorted by labels. Here some example issues: #bug #feature-wanted or #idea-for-discussion. Issue labels are very useful as they allow to sort through issues. A very good way to find ways to contribute on github online is via the label #good-first-issue. This label describes issues and contributions that are adequate for beginners (i.e. fixing a typo or a broken link).

Challenge: Look for beginner friendly issues.

  1. Navigate to the Github repository of the Turing Way Book.
  2. Click on the issues tab.

  1. Click on the labels tab.

  1. Use the search function to search for “good first issues”.

  1. Click on the label. What type of issues are listed under the “good first issue” label?